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I've been a few things in a short time, mostly an historian and a teacher. Life changed a few years ago, when I became a mom and I quit my job to raise them full time. It's a privilege that I don't regret and it also allowed me some time to get back to my real passion: books.


I was bitten by the writing bug when I was in the third grade. I wrote a story about a duck and proclaimed that I would be an author some day. In college I wrote two novels, and though I'm proud to say "I did it," I know that they weren't worthy of publishing.


By then I had to go out and earn a living, and writing took a backseat until recently, when I wrote my Middle Grade adventure, Guardians, a project that earned me a spot in AuthorMentorMatch. Currently, I'm working on a super secret adult contemporary romance.


I'd like to share more of my writing journey here soon, but in the meantime I'd like to share bookish thoughts and reviews of works I've loved. I hope you'll find something to put on your reading list!

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